Thursday, August 26, 2010


lik twa baxters,
bakin thegither,
we makk this lammas breid

guidman an guidwife,
warkin thegither

lik twa wabsters
weavin thegither,
weavin wir yeirs thegither,
spinnin oot the makk o wir life

me an ma guidwife,
weavin thegither

juist lik twa wrichts,
beildin thegither,
layin the foonds o wir hame

man, wumman,
pittin up a hoosie
an liggin intil'd, thegither

the twa o wis, thegither,
lik a spayman, descrivin,
i his eldritch, bygane wye,
whit he can see o time tae com,
biggin up wir ain little future,
juist oot o wir ain imaginations

guidman and guidwife,
gangin forrit, fur aa thon,
bi a gait at's whiles kent,
an whiles onkent; at's whiles
mirk, an whiles bricht

guidman, guidwife, an aa
the yeir's at's left til us
thegither, juist gangin doon
this gaitie, craikin an bletherin

an at the hinnerenn, doot-ye-na,
ma dearie, we'll ken hit wes
the wale o wir yeirs
at we gied til ither

A winna ferlie at we'll hae
mad it thair, thegither

Thursday, March 18, 2010

blae yins

bonny wee flouers -
yalla yins doon bi the burn,
an a puckle o blae yins,
blaer nor the muckle blae lift
abuin, richt cloodless the day

thir bonnie wee ferlies just keekin
thair heids oot o the weet stanes
an the vieve weir girss o the brae,
an birdsang i the trees

aye, hit's an unco braw day the day
wi thir wee yins fair dauncin an
chitterin i the breeze an
aa this life juist
brustin frae the grund
lik hit juist coudna bide ony langer

an it says

aye, weir is come

Friday, October 30, 2009

the leid

it's no inferior

it's no derived

it's no bad inglis

it's no the speak o
fowk at canna lair
inglis richt

it's no the wye at
celtic fowk spikk inglis

it's a leid o its ain,
comin doon tae wis
fae an unbreukin line

aa the wye fae the northren
anglo saxon langage

whaur it haes 'ch'
fur inglis 'gh', or than

's' fur 'sh', or than
'sk' fur 'sh', or than

'aa' or 'aw' fur 'al'
or than 'ck' or 'k' fur 'ch'

it's acause it's a gey auld
wye o spikkin, no acause

the richtness o inglis
wes tyned abuin the mairches

an a wee saicret - naethin's
richt whan it comes tae

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thrawn Saison

Hairst, quhit wye
ar ye sae fain
tae gie owre
til wunter the noo?

Maun ye blaw
sae cauld sae suin?
A'm takkin tent o ye -
A ken ye'r unco strang.

A can see whit ye'r daein
tae the leafs, A see yer
reids an yer yallas, A hear
ye chappin at ma winnock

Bit quhit wye ar ye sae thrawn,
this year? No sae fast, noo!
We'll hae the wunter lang,
bit first the lave o ye!

Monday, September 28, 2009

wir een

aabody wes greetin

(I wes tryin no tae)

wir faces aa weet
wi the burns an strins
o thir flittin, wir nebs
hauden prood abuin

quhit wye can we thole it?
acause we maun.

hearken til me, brither -
ye maun be sauf, ayewis

wir een wes aa wattery,
wir herts breuken apen,

we stuid there, leukin,
as he drave awa i the
dreepin weet o the
dreich hairst efterneen.
it wes aa cloods abuin,
an mirk.

he gaed awa, an it maun be
tholit. we kent he wid dae it,
an noo he's daein it, an it maun
be tholit.

yer da wull keep yer mam,
an I'll see tae yer sister

juist be aye sauf, brither
an we'll keep wirsels sauf
fur ye, tae

bit ye maun come hame

we maun dae whit we maun dae,
an ye maun dae whit ye maun,
an ye maun come hame aften

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


tae gang til heiven,
juist tae hae tae faa
doun til the yird again,

it's ane o ma sairest pynes.

brither, A'd lou tae come
an see ye, bit A'm feart
fur the faa

aathing's braw i that stound,
naething's wantin whan A'm wi ye

an syne hit's by ower suin
an A'm faain, fast, winnin awa
frae the lift (cried 'florida'),
quhaur ye bide

(ye ghaistie at haunts me aye)

tae A win til the yird like a
stane, an at's the wye A feel,

juist like a stane,
deid an caul an alane

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It wes a perfit fite dou,
fite as snaa,
breuken upo the bleck gate

aa reid aa owre,
wi its ain bluid,
sae bricht an veive

bit aye mair lillier
nor ony picter

deid an shent
but sae bonnie,

shaveled wings
raxin fur the lift

een i deith

aye perfit